If the air conditioning in your Dodge Neon has stopped blowing cold air, you may need to recharge the system with refrigerant to bring it back to a working state. Using a can of refrigerant, you can help make up for any that may have been lost or used up over the years of air conditioning use. While there are other components in your air conditioning system that could be failing, performing a recharge is a quick and easy way to either repair the issue or troubleshoot other components through a process of elimination.
Open your Neon's hood and locate the air conditioning condenser located on the driver's side of the engine bay. It is a circular unit with metal hosing attached to it, and it runs into the interior of your car.
Locate the black refrigerant fill nipple that is connected to the condenser and remove the cap.
Connect the hose from the can of refrigerant to the fill nipple.
Slowly turn the valve on the can of refrigerant so that it begins to release refrigerant into the air conditioning system. Hold the can upright so that only the vapor in the can is pulled into the system. Close the valve after the vapor has been released for approximately 30 to 60 seconds.
Turn on the engine and activate the air conditioning at full strength, then go back and release the refrigerant valve again so that the vapor is pulled into the air conditioning system.
Allow the refrigerant to exit the can through the hose into your system until the can has been exhausted or the air conditioning system is blowing cold air again, whichever comes first.