The Yamaha Grizzly 700 ATV requires proper preventive maintenance in order to perform well. One very important step in the preventive maintenance process is to check the cooling system of the vehicle. A cooling system cools the vehicle's engine temperature down by sending a liquid coolant through passages and into the engine block and engine heads. If your vehicle is running low on this coolant, it may not be able to cool the engine down properly. This can cause damage to the engine block and the engine heads.
Park the Grizzly 700 ATV on leveled ground. Allow the engine to cool off considerably to let the coolant cool off, lessening the risk of getting burned. Coolant expands when hot and will not display a proper reading.
Open the tank's access door. Locate the transparent coolant expansion tank. Check the level of the fluid inside the tank with the marks on the outside of the tank. If the fluid level is below the "Minimum" mark, add coolant to the reservoir. If the fluid level is between the "Minimum" and "Maximum" marks, then you have enough fluid in your ATV.
Close the tank access door.