The Daewoo Lanos is a compact car that offers buyers the choice of an automatic or manual transmission. The manual transmission requires a fluid change every two years or 35,000 miles. The Lanos manual transmission has drain and fill ports on the gearbox below the engine. Changing the transmission fluid requires a special tool called a fluid pump, which pulls the fluid out of the drain port and injects fresh fluid into the fill port.
Park the Lanos on a level surface and raise the front end up on jack stands. Touch the top of the engine to determine if it's cool. Wait 30 minutes if the engine is hot to the touch.
Slide underneath the car and locate the gearbox in the center of the engine. This silver, round tank has pipe coming from the front and back ends. Slide a collection pan directly below the front pipe.
Open the drain plug and fill port using the 1/2-inch socket wrench. The fill port is on the back pipe and the drain plug is on the front pipe. Wait until the fluid stops dripping into the collection pan. Then close and tighten the drain plug.
Insert the plastic tube of the empty fluid pump into the fill port. Pump the handle to siphon out all three quarts of fluid. Empty the pump tank.
Fill the pump tank with three quarts of transmission fluid. Switch the plastic flow tab on the hose to "fill" and insert the tube into the fill port. Pump the handle to inject the fluid until it starts dripping from the plug.
Reinsert and tighten the fill plug. Lower the car from the jack stands.