The parking brake on your 2000 Chevy Blazer should be applied every time you park the truck, even if you're on level ground. Regular use of the parking brake helps to ensure that the rear brakes are always properly adjusted. Proper adjustment of the parking brake ensures that the parking brake will properly engage when you apply it. Adjusting the parking brake is something you can do in about an hour in your front yard.
Place the jack under the frame in the middle of the Blazer on the driver's side. Raise the truck high enough for you to slide under and work. Place one jack stand under the rear of the truck and the other under the front part of the frame. Carefully lower the vehicle onto the jack stands. Remove the jack.
Step on the parking brake pedal until it is completely engaged. If the pedal ratchets more than 10 clicks, you need to tighten the brakes; less than eight clicks, the brakes need to be loosened a little. Nine clicks is optimal.
Slide under the truck just in front of the left rear wheel. There is a single cable with a threaded rod at the end and a U-shaped tension equalizer. Grasp the nut closest to the equalizer with one wrench and hold it steady. Use the other wrench to turn the outer bolt counterclockwise to loosen it.
Turn the inner bolt clockwise to tighten the brakes, counterclockwise to loosen them. Turn the bolt three or four full turns and recheck the parking brake pedal. When the pedal clicks eight to 10 times, tighten the outer bolt until it makes contact with the inner bolt and grip the inner bolt with the second wrench. Hold the second bolt stationary and tighten the outer bolt against it to lock them in place.
Raise the truck above the jack stands, using the jack. Pull the jack stands out and lower the Blazer. Pull the jack out and put your tools away.