The 1996 Grand Marquis is a full-sized sedan manufactured by the Ford Motor Company and sold under the Lincoln-Mercury name brand. The car is equipped with an air conditioning system. The air conditioning system blows cold air used to cool down the vehicle cabin when it's warm outside. In 1996, car manufacturers started using R134a refrigerant in air conditioning systems, making it easier for people to recharge their systems at home. You can purchase a can of R134a refrigerant at your local auto parts store and recharge the system without bringing the vehicle to a mechanic.
Park the Grand Marquis on a level surface. Turn the engine off and allow the vehicle to cool completely.
Open the hood of the car. Locate the air conditioner service fittings. The low-side fitting is used to charge the unit. It is found on the black hose that goes from the compressor to the accumulator. The fitting looks like a little valve. Refer to the 1996 Grand Marquis repair manual for an exact diagram, if needed.
Put the R134a refrigerant can and hose together. Install the hose onto the top of the can; the hose will snap into place. Connect the opposite end of the hose to the low-side service fitting on the Grand Marquis. Twist the top of the refrigerant can to puncture and open it.
Start the engine of the Grand Marquis. Turn the air conditioning system on to its highest setting. The coolant will now begin to fill the system.
Leave the system to finish the recharge process. Once the R134a can is empty, turn the engine off. Turn the valve on the refrigerant can to "off." Disconnect the recharge hose from the low-side fitting. The air conditioner will now blow out cold air. Close the hood of the Grand Marquis.