Accessing the clutch disc assembly in your 1994 Honda Civic is a lengthy and complicated process. The splash guards, transmission and clutch disc assembly all must be removed to get at the heart of the clutch system. The problem might not be in the clutch disc assembly; it might be the clutch pedal itself. The next time the clutch pedal in your Civic loses its resistance adjust the pedal before you decide it needs an expensive repair.
Put the parking brake on and put the gear shifter in neutral.
Depress the clutch pedal with your hand and measure the height between the pedal and the angled floor board behind the pedal. Get an approximation and note it on a piece of paper for reference.
Let the clutch pedal up. Take the pedal between your thumb and pointer finger and play with the pedal up and down. The pedal should have a free play zone where there will be little to no mechanical resistance. Measure this free play zone distance with a ruler as accurately as possible and write it down.
Locate the clutch cable adjusting nut by following the clutch pedal arm up and underneath the steering column. Approximately half way to the top of the pedal arm will be the adjuster nut assembly. The adjuster nut will be the nut closest to the back end of the vehicle.
Turn the adjuster nut with an open-faced wrench. Adjust the clutch pedal until the free play zone measures 0.6 to 0.8 inches. The tip of the clutch pedal arm underneath the steering column should have 0.12 to 0.16 inches of free play if adjusted correctly. Measure and note a corresponding change in the clutch pedal disengagement height.