Resetting the check engine light on the 1998 Mazda Protégé is a job you can do right at home. There could be several reasons why the check engine light is on. It could be on because of a simple thing like leaving the gas cap off or too loose. It could be a more serious reason that might require you to have a repair. If you have figured out the reason and need to turn off the check engine light, it will be an easy job that you can accomplish at home. The Mazda Protégé is equipped with an easy method to reset the check engine light and will only take about 15 minutes to do.
Open the hood on the Protégé and properly secure it.
Remove the negative cable on the battery by placing the adjustable wrench on the cable nut and loosening it. This will prevent the possibility of electrical shock.
Reset the "Check Engine" light by getting into the driver's seat and holding down on the brake pedal with your foot. Release the pedal after 20 seconds. This step facilitates draining the computer of electrical current, thus resetting the vehicle's computer and shutting off the "Check Engine" light.
Re-attach the negative battery cable with the adjustable end wrench and lower the hood.
Put the key into the ignition and start the engine. Verify that the "Check Engine" light has shut off.