How to Replace the Tread Depth of Tires

How to Replace the Tread Depth of Tires

During the economic downturn, many people have attempted to prolong the use of items that wear out over time. Some of the more difficult items to prolong are the tires on your car. Most people buy new tires when the older tires are bald, but there is a way to push the bald tire further if you have the right tools and patience.

Things You'll Need

  • Electric tire-groover tool
  • Tire
  • Rag
  • Stand the bald tire up on end and inspect the tread area. Your tire could be balding but you still should be able to see some of the old pattern.

  • Inspect the electric tire-groover tool. You will notice that it looks like an electric knife except that it has a level blade for grooving tires.

  • Place the groover end in the old pattern and move the tool with the pattern. This will take quite a while to complete.

  • Wipe off the tire with the rag when you're finished grooving.