A Civic is a small compact car that is developed and manufactured by Honda. Civics are one of the more popular cars that are produced and have a unique style. Like many other cars, Civics have roof molding that, over time, can become worn and needs to be replaced. The first step to replacing the roof molding is to remove it. Honda roof molding is very easy to remove and like other cars, it can be taken off in almost no time.
Locate and inspect the roof molding to determine how it is attached to the car. Run your hands over the molding feeling for the clip that attaches the roof molding to the car.
Find the clip which is generally located at both the front and back ends of the molding. Pull up on the first clip and slide the molding out. Locate the second clip on the other side of the molding and pull up on it so the molding can slide out.
Push on one end of the molding with a putty knife to begin peeling it up until you can grab it and pull it off the rest of the way. Pull until the molding has been removed. Scrap off the molding with the putty knife if it breaks off. Remove the rest of the roof molding in the same manner until it has all been taken off.
Clean the area where the molding was located to remove any residue and grease that may remain. Pour soap and water into a bucket and dip a sponge in. Scrub the area thoroughly until all debris has been removed and dry off the area with clean rags.