Some automobile problems may be attributed to a failure of the electrical system. To prevent unnecessarily complicated and costly wiring repairs, fuses offer a convenient way to regulate the maximum amount of current to an electronic device. Replacing a fuse is an easy task and can restore your Plymouth Breeze to operating condition.
The fuses associated with most interior circuits on the Plymouth Breeze, such as the power windows and door locks, are located behind an access panel near the steering column. To access these fuses, open the driver-side door and gently pull on the slot on the side of the dash panel facing the driver door. The fuses are located in a pale, tan housing.
The Plymouth Breeze also has a fuse box located under the hood in the engine compartment. These fuses are part of the power distribution center. They are located within a plastic box adjacent to the positive battery terminal. The fuse box is labeled "Fuse Access" and can be opened by lifting the tab on the box toward the front of the vehicle.
Only replace fuses with new ones rated to the specified current load (amps) as directed by the manufacturer. Both of the fuse boxes in the Plymouth Breeze contain diagrams of the fuse circuits and their corresponding current loads. In addition, the interior access panel cover holds spare fuses and a small tool that can be used to remove the old fuses.