How to Replace the Distributor on a 1999 Honda Civic LX

How to Replace the Distributor on a 1999 Honda Civic LX

The Honda Civic is a compact car that has been in production since 1973. The 1999 model represents the sixth generation of the Civic. The distributor regulates the electricity for the spark plugs. On the 1999 Honda Civic LX, it is in the rear-center of the engine compartment. The distributor cap should be replaced regularly with the spark plug wires, but the distributor itself is seldom changed until it shows signs of failure. If the distributor fails completely, the vehicle will stall and not start again until the distributor is replaced.

Things You'll Need

  • Flashlight
  • Rag
  • Phillips screwdriver
  • Socket wrench
  • Flat-head screwdriver
  • Park the 1999 Honda Civic LX on a level surface and set the parking brake. Open the hood and secure it with the hood prop.

  • Line up the crank pulley timing marks on the crankshaft and camshaft. Wipe everything off with a rag and use a flashlight to make the marks easier to see. If they marks are not already lined up, turn the ignition key just enough to make the engine move without actually starting the car. This will cause the two shafts to spin. Check the marks again. Repeat this until the marks are aligned correctly. Remove the key from the ignition.

  • Disconnect the negative battery cable.

  • Remove the distributor cap from the new distributor with a screwdriver.

  • Align the new distributor cap so it is facing the same direction as the old one. Remove the spark plug wires from the existing distributor cap and secure them in the same position on the new cap. Push down on the spark plug wire until it pops into place to be sure of a good connection. Set the new distributor cap out of the way.

  • Unplug the two electrical connections attached to the distributor. Remove the three mounting bolts with a socket wrench. Loosen the vacuum hose clamp with a flat-head screwdriver and disconnect the vacuum hose. Remove the distributor from the Civic.

  • Place the new distributor in position and tighten the mounting bolts with a socket wrench. Plug in the electrical connections. Connect the vacuum hose and tighten the hose clamp with a flat head screwdriver. Position the distributor cap on the top and tighten the retaining screws with a screwdriver.

  • Reattach the negative battery cable. Close the hood.