The float on a Holley carburetor manages the amount of fuel present in the body of the carburetor at any point, allowing the metering blocks and power valve to serve atomized fuel to the intake plenum. When the float sticks, the regulation of fuel is disabled, incapacitating the car with a flooding or lean condition, the latter being potentially damaging to the engine if operated for an extended period of time. A stuck float may be caused by fuel residue within the float valve, a poor valve seat or debris lodged in the fuel bowl area.
Remove the fuel bowl bolts with a 5/16-inch wrench and pull the bowl off the metering block.
Examine the movement of the float with your finger. If the fuel bowl is stuck in position, remove any debris that may be present and spray the bowl with carburetor cleaner spray. Test the movement again to see if this fixes the problem.
Remove the adjustment screw and nut from the exterior of the bowl with a screwdriver and open-end wrench. Pull the valve from the valve seat and inspect it for flaws. Spray it clean with carb cleaner spray and replace if the tip of the valve (where the valve seats) is damaged or worn. Insert the valve in the seat and reinstall the adjustment screw and nut. (A float level adjustment will be needed once the bowl is reattached to the carburetor).