How to Get a Stuck DVD Out of a Multi-Disc Player in a Car

How to Get a Stuck DVD Out of a Multi-Disc Player in a Car

While having a multi-disc DVD player in your vehicle may provide an easy way to entertain passengers on a long drive, the device may occasionally cause you problems, such as when it fails to eject discs. Unlike single-disc players, from which it is generally simple to remove stuck DVDs, multi-disc players pose a more difficult problem due to the number of discs held in the machine. In this situation, you must reset the battery on the player or use the force-eject hole to remove a DVD.

Things You'll Need

  • Vehicle owner's manual
  • Paper clip

Power Reset

  • Open the vehicle's hood to locate the fuse box. Consult your owner's manual for help in finding which fuse controls the vehicle's stereo system.

  • Remove the fuse from the box, and keep it out for about 10 minutes.

  • Replace the fuse. The multi-disc changer will eject the stuck DVD upon reset.

Force Eject

  • Straighten out a paper clip to create one long, thin piece of metal.

  • Locate the small force-eject hole near the multi-disc changer slot.

  • Push the end of the straightened paper clip into the force-eject hole. The disc changer tray will pop out, allowing you to remove the stuck DVD.