Proper lubrication is critical to all working components in the Mazda B3000. In addition to changing the vehicle's oil as recommended by the manufacturer, it's important to also refill the manual transmission fluid to prevent premature breakdown of the gears during driving.
Allow the vehicle to cool before refilling the case. Lay a flattened box under the transmission. The box will catch any overflow fluid that leaks, preventing driveway stains and spills.
Open the transmission fluid container and attach the fluid pump and hose to the top. The Mazda B3000's transmission fluid plug is located on the side of the transmission case, making refilling difficult without a fluid pump.
Loosen the transmission plug. On the Mazda B3000, it can be found on the right side of the transmission, and resembles a standard bolt.
Insert the fluid pump hose into the transmission's plug hole. Pump fluid into the transmission until the fluid level reaches the fill hole. The pump on the transmission fluid bottle will not fill the transmission quickly, so you may have to pump a few times.
Re-tighten the plug bolt. Remove the cardboard box and fluid container from underneath the vehicle.