Brake hydraulics is the process of brake fluid under pressure applying force to your brake system. Bleeding the brakes allows you to remove all air from the brake fluid system to allow the fluid to build pressure again. This will ensure a good solid brake pedal when attempting to brake and will make certain that your brakes function properly. If air gets into your brake system it will cause a soft or spongy brake pedal. Brake bleeding works by using your brake pedal to create pressure in the brake system. When the bleeder screw is opened it allows pressurized fluid and trapped air to escape from system.
Check bleeder screws.
Remove master cylinder cap, have assistant pump brakes to confirm that there are no signs of air bubbles in the reservoir.
Check brake lines to ensure that there are no leaks. Also look for leaking hoses or wet areas which would cause fluid to leak out before reaching your brake bleeder screws, causing a bleed screw to not bleed.
Clean out bleeder holes on brake calipers and wheel cylinders.
Check around the master cylinder and brake booster for leaking fluid.
Remove the master cylinder cap and ensure rubber grommet is still in good condition.
Clean bleeder screws by pushing wire or small brush through the hole few times and then wiping clean with a soft lint free cloth.
Blow air through bleeder screws to check for blockage, a can of compressed air would be a useful tool to have at this point, although not necessary.
Check to ensure master cylinder is full of brake fluid.
Instruct your assistant to pump the brake pedal several times.
Instruct your partner to hold the brake pedal down.
Open brake bleeder screw furthest from master cylinder ½ turn to allow fluid and air to escape.
Close bleeder screw and have partner release pedal.
Repeat steps on all four wheels until air is no longer visible.
Check your master cylinder reservoir constantly to ensure enough fluid is present during bleeding process.
Check your master cylinder reservoir constantly to ensure enough fluid is present during bleeding process, it should not get more than half empty.