Every BMW 325Ci automobile has a positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valve to enable recirculation of environmentally harmful fumes back into the engine. In this way, the PCV valve acts as a emissions control device and should be kept in good working order to prevent pollution. On a BMW 325Ci the PCV is a black valve that resembles a plug three inches long and is located on the top, back portion of the engine block. Replace the PCV valve on a BMW 325Ci yourself with a little time.
Open the hood of the BMW 325Ci.
Grab the black, rubber hose that connects to the PCV valve and remove it with a firm pulling motion.
Place one prong of the needle-nose pliers inside the PCV valve opening and the other prong outside the opening. Squeeze the pliers together and pull the PCV valve out.
Push the replacement PCV valve into the now empty hole in the engine block. Connect the black, rubber hose to the nozzle of the PCV valve. Slide the hose on as far as possible. PCV valve replacement is now complete.