The Best Way to Get Water Smell Out of a Car

The Best Way to Get Water Smell Out of a Car

Vehicle owners who drive and drink water at the same time, may get water on the seats of their car. This can cause a bad smell that others can notice easily. If you do not deal with the smell of wetness in your vehicle, it can become permanent. Use a vacuum and other simple items to get rid of the smell for good.

Things You'll Need

  • Vacuum
  • Car shampoo
  • Baking soda
  • Odor neutralizer
  • Scrub the smelly area with special car shampoo that caters to the form of your seating upholstery. This form of cleanser normally sells via spray can or foam.

  • Use a scrub brush of the soft variety to dig deep down into the stinky location.

  • Spread about one cup of baking soda throughout your car. This substance absorbs both the moisture and odor, and greatly reduces the risk of mold. Let the baking soda settle for about 45 minutes and then vacuum it up.

  • Purchase a can of odor neutralizer and use it whenever you feel the need to keep the smell of wetness away.