How to Replace a 5.2L Tensioner

How to Replace a 5.2L Tensioner

The V8 engine used in the Dodge series trucks is a 5.2-liter engine. The tensioner pulley on a 5.2-liter engine is located in the middle of the engine below the alternator. When the tensioner pulley goes bad, it causes the belt to sag as it rides the pulley path. A sagging belt can cause the components to function improperly. Replacing a tensioner pulley takes only a few minutes because it is easy to access.

Things You'll Need

  • Socket wrench
  • Socket set
  • Open the truck's hood. Locate the tensioner pulley in the middle of the engine.

  • Locate the hex shaped fitting on the pulley. Place a socket wrench on the fitting and pull the wrench back to loosen the belt. Slide the belt off of the pulley.

  • Locate the bolt in the middle of the pulley part of the tensioner. Unscrew the bolt with a socket wrench. Remove the pulley from the engine.

  • Install the new tensioner. Tighten the bolt with a socket wrench.

  • Place a socket wrench on the opening at the bottom of the tensioner. Push the tensioner down with the socket wrench. Place the belt over the pulley and release the socket wrench slowly. This will allow the tensioner to tighten the belt.

  • Start the truck and observe the belt path. There should be no slack in the belt as it rides along the pulley.

  • Turn the truck off and close the hood.