How to Convert Alternators to 110v

How to Convert Alternators to 110v

An alternator converts the mechanical energy provided by a vehicle's engine into electrical energy. Through the use of a transformer, this electrical energy can then be converted from one voltage to another. Thus the 12-14V DC output produced by your alternator can be converted into 110V AC current. There are several steps involved in converting your alternator's output to 110V AC.

Things You'll Need

  • 12V alternator
  • Electrical transformer
  • Soldering Iron
  • Solder
  • Pliers
  • Wire
  • Ring Terminals (2x)
  • Prepare four separate lengths of wire. Cut to proper lengths and strip off 1/2 inch of insulation from the ends of each of the wires.

  • Connect an end of the first wire to one of the primary winding terminals on the transformer. Secure the connection by soldering the wire to the terminal. Connect an end of the second wire to the other primary winding terminal on the transformer. Solder this connection as well.

  • Connect an end of the third wire to a secondary winding terminal on the transformer. Connect an end of the fourth wire to the other secondary winding terminal. Solder both of these connections.

  • Crimp and solder a ring terminal to the unused end of the third wire. Do the same for the unused end of the fourth wire.

  • Connect the unused end of the first wire to an output terminal on the alternator. Connect the unused end of the second wire to the other output terminal on the alternator. Solder both connections in place.