How to Repair a Glove Compartment

How to Repair a Glove Compartment

As far as dashboard components go, glove boxes are fairly easy to troubleshoot, repair, or replace. There are not a lot of components involved. There is the glove box door, the lock hinges, stops, and damper. Glove boxes differ by vehicle make and model, so the exact repair method depends on what type of vehicle you own. If your glove box is broken, however, it will need to be repaired. The issue extends beyond merely using it. In many cars, there are often components like a cabin filter or the vehicle's computer located behind it.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Remove the glove box's contents. Too many items in the box often is a reason why it won't close.

  • Examine the stops on the side of the box and ensure nothing is jammed into or blocking them. If so, unblock them.

  • Look at the damper rod, if your vehicle has one. If the damper is not functional, it can be removed by unscrewing the screws attaching it to the dashboard.

  • Look at the hinges, if your glove box features them. They will either be at the base of the glove box door or right above it. It largely depends on how the glove box is constructed. Old hinges can either be lubricated or removed with a screwdriver and replaced.

  • Look at the lock and latch that not only opens the door, but secures it to the glove box. Sometimes repairing a lock is not that easy, depending on the availability of the parts. Also look at the dashboard, where the latch hooks into. It may be obstructed.

  • Remove the entire glove box, if it needs to be totally replaced in total. Doing so requires undoing the stops at the side or top of box, removing the damper rod, removing the hinges, disengaging any retaining clips, and pulling the glove box out of the dashboard. Follow this process in reverse to install a new glove box.