The 2001 Impala is a full-sized vehicle manufactured by General Motors and sold under the Chevrolet name brand. The Impala is equipped with a factory-installed security alarm system. The security system goes off when someone tries to enter the vehicle while the vehicle is locked and the security system is armed. It is important to learn how to disarm and reset the security system in case you accidentally set off the system.
Insert your key into the driver side door or unlock the doors with your keyless entry remote. This will disarm the security system and allow you to open the door. The light on the radio display will go off -- letting you know that the system is no longer armed.
To reset the security system, insert the key into the ignition. Open the trunk or any door of the Impala. Switch the lock to the "lock" position. Remove the key from the ignition. The light on the radio display will flash quickly; this signals that the system is resetting.
Close the door or trunk. The light on the radio display will flash slowly. The system is now reset and ready for use.