The 2000 Ranger is a mid-sized pickup truck sold worldwide by the Ford Motor Co. An important feature of the 2000 Ranger is the vehicle speed sensor, which controls the gas pedal's ability to adjust speed amounts. Knowing the speed sensor's location allows the vehicle owner to be able to tighten the speed sensor if the gas pedal's speed-level pressure seems inaccurate.
The speed sensor on the two-wheel-drive 2000 Ford Ranger is mounted on the transmission. The sensor can be found at the same location on the four-wheel-drive model.
Place a hand palm-down over the Ford's hood to feel for heat rising from the engine. If you feel heat, wait until the hood is cool to the touch before continuing to avoid the possible risk of burns.
Disconnect the hood's retaining clamps and raise the hood. Connect the hood to the support rod, a thin metal rod in the front engine area, to keep the hood upright.
Shine a flashlight, if necessary, to examine the area directly in front of the engine block -- the transmission. The 2000 Ford Ranger's vehicle speed sensor is mounted on the transmission, identifiable as a thick, extended, spherical iron piece of machinery, resembling a curling iron.
The Ranger's speed sensor shares speed information between the gas pedal and the power steering, to help when driving at slow speeds. The sensors help make parking maneuvers easier to perform by designating low bursts of power when necessary.