Directions for a Loose Jeep Steering Column

Directions for a Loose Jeep Steering Column

A loose steering column is a common problem for Jeep owners, who might use the steering wheel as a handle to grab when getting in and out of their vehicle. If you notice your steering column has come loose, you will need to disassemble the steering column to reveal the four screws responsible for keeping things in place. This is a complex and time consuming procedure. It is recommended that you take photo and video along the way so you can properly re-install the steering column once it has been tightened.

Things You'll Need

  • Steering puller
  • Flathead screwdriver
  • Lock plate compressor
  • Pivot pin removal tool
  • Small drive socket
  • Remove the horn cover and take out the three screws underneath. When the screws are removed you can pull off the metal covering they were holding in place. Underneath is a convex plate that can be lifted off. Do so, taking note of its position for reinstallation.

  • Attach the steering puller to the center of the wheel you just exposed. Tighten the two bolts and continue tightening the center bolt until the wheel comes off.

  • Use a flathead screwdriver to pry up the dust cover. Underneath you will find a snap ring. Remove the ring by using a lock plate compressor. Fit it over the steering shaft and cinch it down using the steering wheel nut. This might take two people to complete and a bit of time to expose the snap ring so you can remove it.

  • Slide the snap ring up the steering shaft and loosen the steering wheel nut to release the lock plate compressor.

  • Remove the spring from the shaft and the screws holding the plastic switch module. If the plastic switch needs more slack, disconnect the wires attaching it under the dash to give you enough length to pull it out.

  • Insert the keys and switch to the "On" position in order to remove the lock cylinder. Press a flat screwdriver into the lock cylinder until you can pull out the key and release the lock cylinder.

  • Pull out the small white plastic contact from below the lock cylinder. Remove the Torx bolts.

  • Remove the bolts holding the rest of the steering cover in place. There might only be one bolt, hidden near the gear selector. Also, unscrew the tilt level.

  • Pull out the two pivot pins on either side of the column using a pivot pin removal tool.

  • Put the tilt lever back in and screw it in place. Pull the lever to twist the entire column approximately one quarter turn clockwise and then pull it out.

  • Reveal the four reverse Torx screws underneath. When you finish the above step you will gain access to the four screws that control the steering column. Use a small drive socket to tighten the screws.

  • Re-assemble the column in the same order that you took it apart. Use the photos and videos to guide you.