You should flush your Honda Goldwing's cooling system every two years to maintain maximum engine performance. The procedure is relatively simple for anyone who has a general working knowledge of a Goldwing. Make sure your engine is completely cool before you begin this avoid burns from hot coolant and motorcycle components. Never leave open pans of coolant sitting out after you finish. Neigborhood dogs and cats will be drawn to the sweet smelling coolant, and if they drink it they will die. Bottle coolant immediately after it has cooled.
Remove the saddlebag from your Goldwing. Remove the hex-head bolt on the right backside of the seat by twisting it counterclockwise with an Allen wrench. Remove the hex-head bolt that holds the adjustment handle on the left of the seat by twisting it counterclockwise with an Allen wrench until it comes out. The bolt on the left side is in the same position as the bolt on the right. Lift up the back end of the seat and slide it straight back to reveal the three-inch retaining tab that sits in a slot on the back of the false tank. Pull the tab out of the slot manually, then lift the seat up and off of your Goldwing.
Locate the two fairing lower panels on the radiator. Remove the screw and plastic bushing from the bottom of the fairing lower panel with a screwdriver, and then remove the two screws and bushings from the top. Slide the fairing lower panel to the right. Pull it back until it comes off. Put the screws and bushings back into the lower fairing panel in their original positions to keep track of them.
Locate the two retention bolts for the false tank above the radiator. Unbolt the back of the false tank from the motorcycle frame support. Remove the two bolts that hold the front of the false tank against the motorcycle frame using a socket wrench with an extension. Pull the rear of the false tank up, slide it back and pull it up until it comes out. Set a drain pan under the front end of your Goldwing behind the front wheel. Locate and remove the coolant drain bolt under the thermostat housing next to the oil drain bolt.
Locate the radiator cap on the top of your Goldwing in front of the coolant reservoir and manually twist it counterclockwise until it comes off.
Push the ends on the reservoir hose retainers together with pliers and pull them back. Pull the hoses off of the reservoir. Remove the bolt holding the reservoir onto the frame.
Loosen the reservoir cap by rotating it once counterclockwise. Pull the reservoir back until it slides out. Finish unscrewing the cap and allow the coolant to drain into your pan.