Do-it-yourself auto maintenance will save you time, money and the hassle of bringing your vehicle to the shop. A lower control arm is what the wheels and brake system is mounted to. The removal process will be about the same for most vehicles. The lower control arm is secured to the frame by a number of bolts. You will need basic mechanics' tools and this will take you about an hour for each control arm.
Loosen the nut on each wheel's nut using the lug wrench. Raise the vehicle off the ground using the jack and support the vehicle on jack stands. Remove the wheels from the frame of the vehicle and set then aside out of the way.
Loosen the bolts on the rear of the brake caliper and pull the caliper off the rotor. Remove the bolts securing the frame around the rotor as well. Use the box wrench set and ratchet set to remove the components.
Get on your back and remove the bolts from the left and right side of the lower control arm using the ratchet set. Have your friend hold the lower control arm as you remove the last bolt to keep the control arm from falling on you.