Navistar Scan Tools

Navistar is a company that specializes in truck and diesel engines and it also creates diagnostic software programs that work in conjunction with your hand-held scan tool. Or, you can get an adapter and plug your computer directly into your vehicle. A scan tool is a device that plugs into the dashboard of your vehicle and reads diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and statistical information from your on-board diagnostic (OBD) system. These programs are designed for personal computers (PCs) running the Windows operating system.


  • The Navistar Diamond Logic Builder Fleet (DLB) 828005 is a software program that allows you to run scans on your vehicle's electrical systems. This program allows you to pull up DTC codes and then clear them once you correct the problem. It will also display information about wiring, switch locations, cluster configurations and your electrical components. It will output this information into graphical form and you can also capture freeze frame data, which allows you to view your system information at a particular moment in time. This tool is compatible with International 4200, 4300, 4400, 7000, 8000 and CF series vehicles. As of 2010, this product costs approximately $770.


  • The International Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC) Fleet 828007 is designed to work with medium and heavy duty truck instrument panels. It helps you view and erase DTC codes. It will also display cluster, pulse per mile and revolutions per minute (RPM) data. You can also recalibrate your speedometer and two-speed axle with this tool. It can reach the tachometer settings on odometers using both the English and Metric measuring systems. As of 2010, this product costs $335.


  • The Navistar SERVICEMAXX Fleet Pro 828009 software is designed for businesses that need to service different types of trucks. This tool will create graphs of engine statistics and run special diagnostic tests, including cylinder cutout, injector contribution, key on engine running and injector disable tests. You can also reconfigure different systems and devices, including the hydraulic pressure governor, idle shutdown timer, fan and speed limit. You can also view and remove DTC codes. As of 2010, this product costs $280.


  • The International Hydraulic Anti-lock Brake System (HABS) Fleet 828006 is compatible with TRW Ross Hydraulic ABC and Lucas Varity and Kelset Hayes ABS brake systems. It allows you to view DTC and brake system information and you can run brake bleed diagnostic tests on your systems. It will output this information into graphical form and it also allows you to capture freeze frame data. As of 2010, this product costs $335.