Mazda 626 Battery Replacement Instructions

Mazda 626 Battery Replacement Instructions

Why pay an auto parts professional or mechanic to replace the battery in your Mazda 626 when you can do it yourself? When it comes to vehicle maintenance and repair, replacing the battery is one of the easiest procedures. The following are step-by-step directions for removing the old battery and installing a new one.

Things You'll Need

  • ratchet set
  • screwdriver
  • new battery
  • Make absolutely sure that the vehicle's ignition is in the "Off" position. This is extremely important, because if there is any current running through the cables to the battery you run the risk of electrocution and possibly death.

  • Remove the negative (-) battery cable. If you are facing the battery from the front of the vehicle, this is the cable on your right (without a cover). Use a screwdriver to loosen the screw that will loosen the cable connector.

  • Remove the positive (+) battery cable. If you are facing the battery from the front of the vehicle, this is the cable on your left (with a cover). You will have to slide the cover aside to access the connector screw. Loosen the screw and remove the cable.

  • Use your ratchet set to remove the nuts from the bolts attached to the battery clamp (the clamp is what holds the battery in place). Remove the battery clamp.

  • Remove the battery cover (the flat plastic piece that also holds the battery in place). With the clamp removed, slide the cover off. Now, remove the old battery from the battery tray and place the new battery onto the tray.

  • Replace the battery cover by sliding it back into place at the front of the battery.

  • Slip the bolts through the battery clamp and place the clamp over the battery. Use your ratchet to tighten the nuts onto the bolts, securing the new battery into place.

  • Attach the positive (+) battery cable to the positive (+) charge (with the cover, on the left). Tighten the connector screw.

  • Attach the negative (-) battery cable to the negative (-) charge (the remaining one on the right). Tighten the connector screw.

  • Turn the ignition to the "On" position. If you have installed the new battery correctly, the car's electrical system should operate (to test this, turn on the radio).