How to Recycle Antifreeze & Motor Oil

How to Recycle Antifreeze & Motor Oil

Changing your vehicle's motor oil and antifreeze yourself, instead of letting a professional auto technician do it for a fee, can save you money and time. When an auto shop changes your automotive fluids, you could wait for hours. You will have to pay an overcharge for the fluids, and you have to pay for the labor. With all this hassle and cost, it’s no wonder many people take care of their own general vehicle maintenance, such as changing the fluids. For anyone who changes her own oil regularly, the hardest part is recycling the fluid. Any responsible citizen will recycle used oil to keep it from getting into the natural environment.

  • Store used antifreeze and motor in separate containers. If they come into contact with each other, they will be contaminated and cannot be recycled.

  • Label your containers carefully. You should always put your automotive fluids inside containers designated to one fluid type to avoid contamination.

  • Contact your local recycling center to find out if they accept antifreeze and motor oil. Be sure to ask about both automotive fluids.

  • Contact local oil-change shops and gas stations if your local recycling center doesn’t accept antifreeze and motor oil. These types of establishments often have automotive fluid recycling programs in place.

  • Transport your containers of fluid to the appropriate recycling program. Be sure the containers are sealed tightly during transport. If you would like your containers back, let the service worker know; she will dump out the old oil for recycling and return the containers to you if possible.