Lock nuts are devices that lock items into place. The most common form of a lock nut is one that goes over the rim of your wheel so the rims can't be stolen. The risk with a lock nut is that if you lose the key, there are no replacements available and you will have to remove the lock nut by chiseling it off with a few tools.
Place the cutting side of the chisel on the top of the lock nut.
Hammer the end of the chisel. The tip of the lock nut will break off. Do not chisel off more than just the tip because you might hit the studs underneath. The studs are what the nut is actually threaded on.
Place the bolt over the end of the lock nut where the end has been chiseled off.
Turn on the tig welder and position the end on the bolt. Weld together the bolt and the end of the chiseled-off lock nut.
Put the correct size socket wrench over the bolt.
Place the breaker bar through the end of the wrench and turn the breaker bar counterclockwise. The bar will turn and break off the bolt, which will also take off the lock nut.