Lightbulb Types for the Brakes on a VW Jetta Wagon TDI

The Jetta Wagon TDI is a vehicle from German automaker Volkswagen. To maintain a safe vehicle for the roadways, it is important to be mindful of any burned-out bulbs you may have in the front or rear exterior of your vehicle. Taillights are especially important, as they alert fellow motorists as you come to a stop. If you know what types of bulbs to keep on hand, you can ensure that you will never be caught with a burned-out taillight in your Jetta Wagon TDI.


  • This is the standard light that comes on when your headlights are on and appears as red through the colored cover. The bulb itself is a white bulb and can be found under various different brands with the number 7506. This is a standard incandescent bulb.

Brake Light

  • The brake light is illuminated when the brakes are applied. This is a separate light from that of the standard taillight but is in the same section of encasement. It is also a white bulb but appears red under the cover. This bulb number is the same as that for the taillight: 7506.

Turn Signal Light

  • When the turn signal is clicked, a turn signal light flashes on the front and rear of the vehicle. On the rear, the turn signal light is just to the outside of either side and is still part of the taillight housing. When illuminated, it appears as a yellowish orange light, but the actual bulb is a white bulb. As with the tail and stop lights, the turn signal light is a 7506 bulb.

Reversal Light

  • When backing up, or reversing, a bright white light is illuminated to provide greater visibility in the area behind the vehicle. Part of the taillight housing is a section that is not red as the rest of the cover is. This is where the reversal light is housed. This is also a 7506 numbered light.