Hyundai has a reputation of producing affordable vehicles. Fortunately for Hyundai owners, when a tail light needs to be fixed the repair is easy enough that it can be done at home. The money saved by not having to take the vehicle to a mechanic only adds to the Hyundai's affordable reputation. If you own a Hyundai and need a light replaced, learn how to do it yourself.
Engage parking brake and ensure your Hyundai ignition is turned off for safety purposes. Pop open the trunk or hatch depending on what model Hyundai you are working with.
Locate the service panel inside the trunk in the corners covering the back of the light assembly of the Hyundai. Turn the screw on the service panel counterclockwise to release and remove the panel
Remove the three nuts that secure the tail light assembly with a wrench. Slide the rear light assembly from the back of the Hyundai.
Unscrew the top of what should be four bulbs by turning it counterclockwise until it is removed from the socket. This is the bulb for the tail light.
Insert the replacement bulb into the socket and turn it clockwise until it is secure.
Re-insert the tail light assembly and secure with the three nuts that were removed earlier. Replace the service panel and secure the latch. Close the trunk and test your new tail light to ensure it is working properly.