Produced by the Ford Motor company between 1993 and 2004, the Ford Windstar was one of Ford's entries into the multi-passenger vehicle model line. The Windstar utilizes radiator coolant to keep the engine at the optimum operating temperature. As this coolant is circulated through the engine, it picks up the combustion heat and releases it to the surrounding atmosphere. Some of this warm fluid is channeled into the passenger cabin, where it is blown on by a fan to warm the occupants.
Put your Windstar in "Park," set the parking brake and remove the keys from the ignition. Allow the engine at least an hour or longer to cool. Ensure you have plenty of room to work around the engine compartment.
Prop the hood open and remove the radiator cap.
Place the drain pan on the ground underneath the radiator drain plug, which on the Ford Windstar is located on the passenger's side. The original plug on the Windstar is plastic, but this may be brass if the plug has been replaced. Turn the plug counterclockwise with the pliers. Allow the fluid to drain out of the radiator and into the pan. Close the plug when the fluid stops flowing out of the radiator.
Loosen the hose clamps at either end and slide them down the hose body. Take the utility knife and cut the heater hose along the length. Pull the hose off the nipples at either end to remove it.
Attach the clamps to the end of the new hose, but only tighten them slightly. Slip one end of the hose over the nipple on the engine, and the other over the nipple in the front of the passenger cabin. Tighten the hose clamps.
Refill the radiator with a mixture of half distilled water to half radiator fluid. Start the engine. Watch the temperature gauge until the engine reaches normal operating temperature. Top off the radiator with distilled water. Screw the radiator cap back onto the radiator.
Cut the new hoses to the proper length. Apply gasket sealant to the inside of the hoses. Attach the hose clamps loosely to the end of the hoses. Insert one end of the hose onto the nipple on the engine block, slide the other end over the nipple leading to the passenger compartment. Slide the hose clamps into place over the hose and nipples. Tighten the hose clamps.
Fill the radiator with a 50/50 mixture of distilled water and radiator fluid. Insert the keys into the ignition and crank the engine. Run the car for about 15 minutes and allow it to come to operating speed. Continue filling the radiator with distilled water. Screw the radiator cap back into place by turning it clockwise.