Checking the transmission fluid in your 1999 BMW 323i is an important part of any ongoing maintenance program, and it's easy to do. Transmission fluid is one of the key fluids in your car. It circulates through your transmission, lubricating moving parts and absorbing heat, which is then dissipated away from the transmission. Topping up the transmission fluid in your 1999 BMW 323i when needed ensures that your transmission will run cool, improving its chances for a long service life.
Park the 323i on level ground. Open the hood and allow the engine and transmission to cool for two hours.
Raise the front of the vehicle with a jack and lower it onto jackstands for support.
Locate the fill plug on the side of the transmission. Remove the plug using the 17-mm Allen wrench.
Insert one finger, pointed slightly downward, into the fill plug hole.
Remove the finger and look for signs of transmission fluid. If the finger is coated in fluid, the level is fine. If it is not, add fluid slowly through the fill plug hole until it drips from the hole.
Replace the fill plug. Raise the 323i above the jackstands. Remove the stands and lower the car.