The Ford Taurus uses a Vulcan engine. The engine is aluminum; thus, proper cooling is critical. If the engine overheats due to a defective thermostat, the engine can warp, costing thousands to replace it. If it fails, immediately replace the thermostat.
Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery with an adjustable wrench.
Locate the thermostat housing, tracing the upper radiator hose to the location where the hose connects to the right side of the engine.
Disconnect the wiring harness that lies on top of the thermostat housing, pushing on the locking tab in the center of the harness. With the tab pushed in, pull the two connectors apart.
Remove the three bolts that secure the thermostat housing to the engine block of the Taurus with a socket and ratchet. Take caution with the bottom thermostat housing bolt. It tends to sheer off due to excessive corrosion.
Pull the housing off the engine block. Push it, and the hose, to the side, exposing the thermostat that rests inside the engine block.
Remove the thermostat housing gasket from the surface of the engine, and pull the thermostat out of the engine block.
Wipe the surface clean of gasket material and antifreeze with a clean shop towel.
Place the thermostat into the engine block with the spring end submerged into the block.
Place the thermostat gasket over the thermostat. It must rest flat on the surface of the engine block.
Place the thermostat cover onto the gasket, and secure it with the bolts. If the bolts are corroded, use new ones.