Water causes corrosion within a fuel delivery system of a diesel vehicle. The corrosion blocks the diesel injectors, reducing the amount of fuel traveling into the engine's combustion chambers. Removing water before it reaches the diesel injection system will keep your engine running smooth. A water separator filters water from the diesel fuel as the fuel runs from the fuel pump to the fuel delivery system.
Pull the vehicle hood release. Prop the hood open. Find an accessible location under that hood to mount a water separator.
Secure a 5/16-inch hex head adapter into the chuck of a drill motor.
Hold the water separator against a stable surface in the accessible area. Run a 5/16-inch self-tapping screw through a mounting hole in the water-separator mounting bracket. Swivel the water separator until it sits level. Run one 5/16-inch self-tapping screw through each hole in the mounting bracket.
Apply thread-locking compound to the male threads of a fuel line and the female threads of another fuel line. Thread the male coated threads into the "Fuel in" socket of the water separator. Thread the female coated threads onto the "Fuel Out" nipple of the water separator. Tighten both connections with an adjustable wrench.
Apply thread-locking compound to the female threads of the fuel line connected to the "Fuel in" side of the water separator. Thread the female connector to the male nipple of the vehicle's fuel pump. Repeat the process to connect the male threads of the fuel line connected to the "Fuel Out" side of the water separator to the "Fuel In" side of the vehicle's carburetor. Tighten the remaining connections with an adjustable wrench.