The Dodge 5.9-Liter diesel engine is a Cummings-built engine. The fuel system inside of the 5.9 engine comes equipped with a strainer-type fuel filter. The fuel filter traps any type of impurities from the diesel inside of the filter. The filter is made up of elongated fibers that catch the impurities. Once that the diesel flows through the filter, it flows out of the fuel filter and into the fuel lines. The diesel then travels to the fuel injectors and into the engine. Replace the fuel filter between 25,000 and 35,000 miles.
Park the Dodge truck in a very well-ventilated area so that the diesel fumes can escape. Open the hood and engage the emergency brake.
Locate the fuel filter canister inside of the engine compartment. The fuel filter is mounted to the rear driver side of the engine. Then, locate the drain valve on the bottom of the fuel filter housing. The drain valve has a small hose attached to it.
Position the small drip pan under the drain valve hose and turn the drain valve counter clockwise to open the valve. Wait for all of the diesel to drain out of the fuel filter canister. Then, close the valve.
Locate the 1-1/8 screw on cap on the top of the fuel filter canister. Unscrew the cap by turning it counter-clockwise with the 1/2-inch drive ratchet and the 1-1/8 socket. Once that the cap is loose, finish unscrewing it with your hand. Lay the cap on a clean rag.
Pull the fuel filter out of the canister by pulling straight upward on the filter. Then, discard the fuel filter into the drip pan. Pull the old o-ring off of the base of the cap.
Slide the new o-ring that comes with the new fuel filter over the base of the cap. Then, slide the new fuel filter into the canister. The bottom of the fuel filter has a rubber seal that needs to be pushed over the raised port in the bottom of the fuel filter canister. Twist the fuel filter counter clockwise just to ensure that the rubber seal is seated over the raised port.
Fill the fuel filter canister up with clean fresh diesel. Wait for the fuel level to drop and then continue to fill the canister up with the diesel until the fuel level stabilizes at the top of the canister.
Seat the cap back over the top of the fuel filter canister. Tighten the cap by turning it clockwise. Once that the cap is hand tight, continue to tighten the cap with the ratchet and socket until the cap stops turning.
Remove the drip pan out from under the hood very slowly. Then, turn the ignition key to the accessory position for about ten seconds. This will allow the fuel pump to finish priming the new fuel filter with diesel. After about 10 seconds, crank the engine.
Inspect the fuel filter canister and the cap for any leaks. Then, turn the engine off and shut the hood.