When you see the Supplemental Restraint Systems (SRS) light illuminated on the control panel of your Mercedes, it means there is a problem with the airbags or the seatbelt tensioners. When there is a malfunction in the vehicle, codes are stored in the On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) computer. These codes can be read and cleared using an OBD scan tool that you can purchase from your local auto parts retailer. Many auto parts stores will even let you use their OBD scan tool for free so that you will know what the problem is and possibly purchase parts from their store to fix the problem.
Locate the fuse panel cover and remove it. This is located on the lower left side of the control panel on the driver's side of the car. Find the port that fits the OBD cable and plug the scan tool's cable into this port.
Put the key into the ignition and turn it to the "Run" position. This is the position just before the engine starts. Look at your OBD scan tool and write down the codes it displays.
Check your owner's manual for what the codes mean.
Unplug the scan tool and put the fuse panel cover back in place. Take your vehicle to your local Mercedes dealer to have repairs made, if needed.
Repeat step 1 when you return home. Put the key into the ignition and turn it to the "Run" position. Wait until the SRS light turns off. Remove the cable and put the fuse panel cover back in place.