At first, the controls of a manual-transmission vehicle can seem daunting. There is no "park" option as there is in a an automatic, which keeps your car in place on hills or while parked. While driving, braking is very similar to that of an automatic. As a manual transmission vehicle owner, you'll use both the regular brake and the parking brake, also known as the emergency or hand brake, on a regular basis.
Brake your vehicle while driving the same way you would when driving a car with automatic transmission.. Take your right foot off of the gas pedal (the one furthest to the right) and move it to the pedal immediately to its the left, the brake pedal. Only your left foot should control the clutch.
Press your right foot gently on the brake until you feel the car slow down or come to a complete stop -- do not press the brake pedal quickly until you are familiar with the vehicle's braking power. Some brakes are more sensitive than others, so practice braking until you are comfortable with your vehicle's stopping ability.
Release your foot from the brake before accelerating.
Park your vehicle by fully engaging the parking brake -- lift it up. You can also leave your car in gear to prevent rolling if you have a weak parking brake. Push the clutch in and put the car into first or third gear after you've engaged the parking brake.
Release the parking brake to drive your vehicle again by pressing in the release button at the end of the brake handle.