A motorcycle battery provides power to start your cycle and to operate other components such as your lights. If you know how to remove sensors, look under the seat and wipe the connection posts of your cycle clean, you can connect a motorcycle battery.
Remove the seat and look below for the battery. Pull the seat in an upward direction and take off the retaining strap. Remove the old battery from its compartment.
Figure out if the battery has corrosion. Over time the battery can develop acid leaks or deposits. This can cause bodily harm, so handle the battery with care if you see built-up acid.
Take out the old battery and pull out the leads. Take out the negative cable and then take out the positive cable to prevent shorts.
Remove the sensor device. Wipe the points where the cables connect so that they contain no debris or acid. Use a towel that you can throw away later.
Put the new battery in your cycle in the opposite manner in which you removed the old one. Connect the positive cable first, and then connect the negative cable.