The rear brake pads on the Toyota Avalon are vital parts of the braking system. The pads make solid contact with the brake rotors during braking. If the pads are worn or the rotors are damaged, the Avalon's stopping power will be significantly diminished. Toyota recommends that you replace the brake pads every 50,000 miles. Listen for the brake pad wear indicators: their scraping against the rotor will alert you as to when the brake pads are in need of replacement.
Park the Avalon on level ground and turn the engine off.
Loosen the lug nuts on the rear wheels with a lug wrench.
Place a jack under the frame at the back of the Toyota and lift the rear tires off the ground. Place jack stands beneath the rear axles and lower the vehicle onto the stands.
Remove the lug nuts and take the rear wheels/tires off.
Remove the two caliper pins on each caliper (one per side) with a 13 mm wrench.
Lift the caliper from the caliper bridge and brake pads and suspend it above the brake hub with a wire coat hanger.
Remove the worn brake pads from the slots in the caliper bridge.
Apply anti-squeal brake compound to the backs of the new brake pads and slide them into the slots on the caliper bridge.
Open the brake fluid bleed valve with a 10 mm wrench. The valve is located between two caliper pin slots. Place a drip pan beneath the caliper to catch the brake fluid.
Place a C-clamp or channel-lock pliers over the rear caliper piston. Squeeze the piston until it recesses within the side of the caliper. Remove the clamp or pliers once the piston is opened.
Close the bleed valve with the 10 mm wrench.
Place the caliper over the new pads in the caliper bridge slots. Screw in the caliper pins with the 13 mm wrench.
Replace the rear wheel onto the wheel bolts and screw on the lug nuts.
Lift the back of the Avalon with the jack and remove the jack stands. Lower the back end of the Toyota until the rear tires are on the ground.
Tighten the lug nuts with the lug wrench.
Open the Toyota's hood and remove the master cylinder cap. The cap is located at the back of the engine compartment, to the right of the Avalon's engine.
Place a funnel into the reservoir and fill the container with brake fluid. Remove the funnel and replace the master cylinder cap.
Close the Toyota's hood.