How to Change the Starter on a Mistubishi 3000GT

How to Change the Starter on a Mistubishi 3000GT

The Mitsubishi 3000GT requires a strong starter to engage the flywheel to start the car. When trying to crank the car and hearing nothing but a "click" sound, this will mean the starter is not strong enough to crank the car. Replacement is simple as the starter is easy to access under the car. Most automotive parts store can bench test the old starter to ensure the problem is indeed the starter.

Things You'll Need

  • Line wrench set
  • Jack
  • Jack stands
  • Socket wrench
  • Socket set
  • New starter
  • Open the hood to access to the engine compartment. Disconnect the positive and negative cables on the battery. Use a line wrench to loosen the cables. Pull them off the battery posts.

  • Place a jack under the front crossmember of the car. Raise the car up high enough to slide a set of jack stands under the doors at the "pinch" points. These points are designed to support jacks and jack stands. Lower the car onto the jack stands.

  • Locate the starter between the transmission and the engine.

  • Unscrew the top bolt with a socket wrench. You can access it from the top of the engine.

  • Crawl under the vehicle to access the remaining bolt and the wiring. Disconnect the positive and negative wires with a socket wrench.

  • Unbolt the remaining bolt with the socket wrench. This will free the starter from the mounting brackets.

  • Pull the starter down and away from the car.

  • Secure the new starter to the mounting brackets by starting both bolts by hand. Do not tighten until both bolts are threaded.

  • Install the wiring onto the starter. Tighten the nut with the socket wrench.

  • Ensure both bolts are tight with the socket wrench. Tighten the bottom bolt from under the vehicle. Once that bolt is tight, tighten the top from under the hood of the car.

  • Raise the car with the jack. Slide the jackstands out from under the car. Lower the car to the ground.

  • Reconnect the battery by tightening the red cable to the positive terminal. Install the black cable to the negative terminal. Tighten both cables with a line wrench.

  • Start the car to ensure the starter is working adequately. The car should start with very little hesitation.