How to Check the Transmission Fluid in a 1994 BMW 740I

How to Check the Transmission Fluid in a 1994 BMW 740I

The automatic transmission fluid inside the 1994 BMW 740I is responsible for keeping all of the internal parts of the transmission lubricated and cool. The automatic transmission fluid bonds to the internal parts, such as the gears and the seals, to prevent heat friction. When the transmission is engaged, the fluid is pumped out of the transmission pan and into the transmission. Once the engine is turned off, the fluid returns to the pan. Replace the automatic transmission fluid between 50,000 and 75,000 miles.

Things You'll Need

  • Floor jack
  • Car stands
  • Drip pan
  • 1/2-inch drive ratchet
  • 1/2-inch drive socket set
  • Drive the 1994 BMW 740I around for about 10 minutes to heat up the transmission fluid.

  • Park the car in a safe location and pull the parking brake. Make sure that the vehicle is on a level surface.

  • Position the floor jack under the front of the BMW. Jack the front of the car up from the cross frame that is under the bottom of the engine. Place a car stand under the proper jacking points on each side of the car. Lower the car to the top of the car stands. Pull the jack out and move it to the rear of the car.

  • Jack the rear of the car up and place a car stand under the proper jacking points on both sides of the car. Lower the car to the top of the car stands and leave the jack under the car.

  • Crank the engine and let it run while checking the automatic transmission fluid from underneath the car.

  • Slide under the driver side of the vehicle near the driver-side door and locate the fill plug on the driver side of the transmission.

  • Position the drip pan under the general area of the fill plug. Loosen and remove the fill plug with the 1/2-inch drive ratchet and a socket. Remove the fill plug from the transmission. If the transmission is full of fluid, the fluid level will drip out of the fill hole or the fluid will be right at the top of the fill hole. If the fluid level is lower than the fill hole, add transmission fluid until the fluid runs out of the fill hole.

  • Screw the fill plug back in and tighten it down tight with the ratchet and socket. Pull the drip pan out from under the car and shut the engine off. Jack the BMW back up and remove the front and rear car stands. Lower the car back to the ground and remove the jack.