The brake pads on the Toyota Tundra are among the most important components of the vehicle's braking system. They are also the components that demand the most maintenance attention. Worn brake pads will be ill-equipped to stop the truck within a reasonably safe distance. When the wear indicators become exposed they will make direct contact with the brake rotors. As soon as the grinding and squealing from exposed wear indicators is noticed, replace the brake pads to ensure proper braking performance.
Loosen the lug nuts on the wheels corresponding with the brake pads you are replacing with the 21 mm socket and breaker bar.
Open the Tundra's hood and remove the master cylinder cap. The master cylinder holds the brake fluid. The reservoir is located near the firewall on the right side of the engine compartment. Place a shop rag over the master cylinder container to keep debris from the reservoir of fluid.
Lift the truck with the jack. Place the jack beneath the frame of the vehicle to lift it. Place two jack stands beneath the frame to support the Tundra during the pad replacement.
Remove the lug nuts and wheels.
Remove the two slide bolts on the back of the caliper with a 15 mm wrench. Turn the front wheels to better access the bolts. The rear wheels will demand that you reach behind the caliper to access the slide bolts.
Lift the caliper off the rotor and caliper bracket.
Grab the brake pad retaining clips with needle-nose pliers and pull them away from the sides of the caliper. Remove the brake pads from the caliper.
Place the C-clamp around the caliper piston and the back of the caliper. Screw the clamp's handle clockwise to force the pistons into the side of the caliper wall. Remove the C-clamp once the pistons are completely within the caliper.
Place the new brake pads onto the sides of the caliper. Use the pliers to replace the retaining clips around the brake pads, securing them to the caliper.
Return the caliper onto the caliper bracket.
Apply a thin layer of brake grease to the threads of the caliper slide bolts and screw them into the slots on the back of the caliper. Tighten the bolts with the 15 mm wrench. Repeat steps 5 to 11 for the brakes on the opposite side of the vehicle.
Replace the wheels onto the wheel bolts and screw on the lug nuts by hand.
Lift the Tundra with the jack to remove the jack stands. Lower the Toyota's tires to the ground and tighten the lug nuts with the 21 mm socket and breaker bar.
Repeat the process for the brake pads on the other end of the Tundra if you are changing those as well.
Press the brake pedal, holding the pedal down for 10 seconds. Repeat the depressions until the brake pedal responds with a normal level of resistance. The depressions return the caliper piston to the proper position. Return to the engine compartment.
Remove the shop rag from the master cylinder opening and check the level of brake fluid in the container. Replenish the reservoir with DOT-3 brake fluid of necessary.
Replace the master cylinder cap and close the Tundra's hood.