How to Change a Starter on a 2000 Mustang

How to Change a Starter on a 2000 Mustang

The ignition system in the Ford Mustang starts with the keys. Inserting the key in the ignition sends an electric signal to the starter. The starter engages the flywheel. The flywheel engages the crankshaft and the car remains running until the key is turned to the "Off" position. Once the starter goes bad, it will need to be replaced. The starter is located under the car at the rear of the engine and changing it out should not take very long.

Things You'll Need

  • Socket wrench
  • Socket set
  • Chock
  • Jack
  • Jack stands
  • New starter
  • Park the car on a flat, even surface. Set the parking brake.

  • Open the hood to access the engine compartment. Disconnect the battery by unbolting the negative and positive terminals with a socket wrench.

  • Place a jack under the front beam of the car. Raise the car high enough to place jack stands under the axles. Lower the car to the jack stands. This will allow plenty of room to access the starter.

  • Locate the starter on the underside of the car on the passenger side. The starter is between the engine and the transmission.

  • Loosen the nut on the top stud of the solenoid with a socket wrench. This is the negative cable. Label the negative leads with masking tape. This will make installation easier.

  • Loosen the remaining nut to remove the positive leads. This will isolate the electrical lines from the starter.

  • Unscrew the three bolts with a socket wrench. This will loosen the starter from the frame. Slide the starter off the frame. Place the starter in the box that the new starter came in.

  • Mount the new starter to the frame. Tighten all three bolts with the socket wrench.

  • Unscrew the bottom nut on the solenoid. Place the positive lead on the stud. Tighten the nut on the stud with the socket wrench.

  • Unscrew the top nut on the solenoid. Peel the masking tape off the negative cable. Place the negative cable on the stud. Tighten the nut with the socket wrench.

  • Raise the car with the jack. Pull the jack stands away from the car. Lower the car to the ground.

  • Connect the positive and negative cables to the battery with the socket wrench. Ensure both cables are tight.

  • Start the car to ensure the starter is working adequately.