Scratches are a common occurrence and can appear on your car almost daily. Before taking your car to a auto detail shop to remove these eye sores, considering removing any light scratches on your own to save money. Removing light scratches is easy and inexpensive. It takes a few things you might already have on hand as well as some elbow grease.
Wash and dry your car before attempting to take out any scratches. If you do not remove any dirt or debris from your car, you could end up further scratching the paint.
Find the scratches on your car. Light scratches can be removed by hand while deeper scratches can be removed by an orbital buffer.
Start with any light scratches. Apply a quarter size amount of polishing compound to the rag. Use a light circular motion to buff out the scratch. Use a clean side of rag to wipe off the polishing compound. Repeat with other scratches. This method should take out any light scratches and reduce the appearance of deeper scratches.
Use rubbing compound to buff out scratches that cannot be removed with polishing compound. Apply a quarter size amount of rubbing compound to the rag and use a light circular motion to buff out the scratch. Start by using a small amount of force. Apply more force if necessary to buff out the scratch. Wipe off the rubbing compound.
Use the polishing compound to buff out the swirl marks if the rubbing compound leaves any swirl marks on the paint.
Use an orbital buffer if the scratch does not come out by hand after using both the polishing and rubbing compound.
Apply a small rubbing compound to the scratch. Use an orbital buffer with a wool cover to gently buff out the scratch. Let the buffer do the work for you. Again, use the polishing compound to remove any swirl marks.
Use a clean rag to remove any remaining compound and wax the area you polished.