Despite the differences between the various Honda Civic models, the fenders are mounted and secured to the metal frame of every Honda Civic the same way. The fenders--the plastic parts of the body that are between the front door and the front bumper--are secured to the frame by metal bolts behind the front bumper on the right and left side and inside the wheel well.
Remove the lug nuts from the front wheels and raise the Civic off of the ground using the jack. Place a jack stand under the front frame of the Civic at the support points and lower the Civic onto the jack stands. Pull the front wheels off of the Civic.
Remove the screws and bolts that are securing the wheel well cover to the frame of the Civic using the the screw driver and the ratchet set. Pull the wheel well cover off of the frame of the Civic. Locate the bolts inside the wheel well cover that are securing the fender to the frame inside the wheel well.
Remove the bolts inside the wheel well that are securing the fender to the frame using the ratchet set. Open the hood of the Civic and remove the bolts that are securing the fender to the frame inside the engine compartment. Pull the fender off the Honda Civic.
Place the new fender onto the front side of the Honda Civic. Line up the mounting holes on the new fender with the support holes on the frame and replace the bolts. Tighten the securing bolts using the ratchet set.
Replace the wheel well cover to the frame and tighten the screws to secure the cover to the frame. Replace both tires to the Civic and replace the lug nuts to the tires. Remove the jack stands with help from the jack and lower the Civic to the ground. Tighten the lug nuts using the tire iron and close the hood.