The instrument cluster in your Ford F-150 can be replaced if it is not functioning correctly. You can also purchase a cluster to match the interior of your truck. Modern instrument clusters are available that have more personality than stock versions, and can really dress up the interior of your truck. Always shop around for instrument clusters--they can be expensive to replace.
Access your instrument cluster by prying out the decorative bezel. Pull out the bezel and place it to the side. Locate all the screws holding the cluster in place, remove them, and place them in a safe location. Jiggle the cluster. The cluster should come out far enough so you can access the back of it. There will be wiring harnesses and light bulbs attached to the back. The wiring connectors are held to the back by a locking tab to keep them in place. The small light bulbs can be twisted and pulled out of the cluster. Once the cluster is fully disconnected, pull it out from the dash.
Attach the wires and light bulbs to the back of the new instrument cluster before positioning the cluster to the mounting surface. Secure the cluster in place by tightening down the screws with a Phillips head screwdriver. Pop the bezel back into place. Test the new cluster by starting the truck and observing it as you test drive the truck for a few miles.