Your door is locked with the keys still in the ignition for your 1991 Nissan pickup. Classic scenario that has happened to almost everybody. Simple solutions would be to use a hide-a-key or just call a friend or family member with an extra key; however, hindsight is always 20/20. Even if you do not have a spare key at hand, there are several tricks to getting your car door open without having to call a locksmith and shell out some serious cash for the service.
Insert the hammer in the top-right part of the door frame with the clawed end going as far down in-between the door frame and the door as possible. Do some gentle prying to get it down more. Do not worry about breaking the window, as it will take a lot of force to cause any cracks.
Insert something into the gap you've just created between the door and the top of the door frame. Anything will do, even a rolled up newspaper, as long as it is wide enough to keep the gap open for you to work with.
Repeat steps one and two for the top left part of the door frame and door. This will effectively allow you to construct an artificial brace keeping the door pried open between the door and the door frame of your 1991 Nissan pickup.
Use a coat hanger or any other long, slender, and stiff material to slide down the gap that you have created between the door and the door frame for your 1991 Nissan pickup. A wooden dowel or a rod will work fine as well--anything that is long enough to reach down to the door handle to open the door. Use the coat hanger or whatever type of rod that you are working with to slide down behind the door handle and open the door, just as you would if you were inside the pickup itself.