The oil filter on the 2008 Volkswagen Jetta is the most important component of the oil cleaning process. The oil enters the oil filter from the oil pan. The sediments are trapped inside of the oil filter before the oil reaches the engine. Over a period of time, the oil filter will become clogged with sediments and will need to be replaced. Volkswagen recommends replacing the oil and filter on the Jetta every 3,000 miles.
Park the 2008 Volkswagen Jetta on a level surface and shut off the engine. Open the hood and unscrew the oil cap from the engine. The oil cap is located on the top driver side of the engine.
Jack up the Jetta and place the jack stands behind each front tire on the frame rail of the car. Lower the car onto the jack stands. Make sure that the car is securely on the jack stands.
Crawl under the front of the car and remove the plastic shield that is covering the bottom of the engine. There are four standard plastic Torx bolts that are connecting the plastic shield to the frame. Remove the Torx bolts with a 3/8 ratchet and a standard Torx bit.
Locate the oil filter underneath the car. It is inside of the oil filter housing that is located on the driver side of the engine block above the oil pan. Slide the oil catch pan underneath the oil pan.
Push the small knob on the bottom of the oil filter housing to drain the oil from the filter. Let the oil drain into the oil catch pan until the filter is empty.
Slide the 76 mm oil filter cup tool onto the 3/8 inch drive socket. Then slide the oil filter cup tool onto the bottom of the oil filter housing. Turn the oil filter housing counterclockwise to loosen the oil filter. Once the oil filter is loose, finish removing it with your hands.
Pour any excess oil from the oil filter housing into the oil catch pan. Remove the O-ring from around the oil filter threads and replace it with the new O-ring that comes with the new oil filter.
Slide the old oil filter cartridge out of the oil filter housing and replace it with the new one.
Screw the oil filter housing back onto the oil filter housing base on the engine block. Tighten the oil filter housing with the 3/8-inch drive ratchet and the 76 mm oil filter cup tool. Turn the oil filter housing clockwise to tighten.
Slide the oil catch pan out from under the car. Jack up the car and remove the jack stands.