The Audi TT is a small compact sports car. The taillights are accessible through the trunk. There is a plastic cover over the taillight housing on the right and left side that will need to be removed from the trunk frame. This is not a difficult job, and no major tools are required. You can complete this job in your garage or driveway in about five minutes.
Purchase a new taillight bulb specific to the year of your Audi TT model from the Audi dealership or the auto parts store in your area.
Open the trunk of the Audi TT sports car. Locate the plastic cover on the right and left side. Twist off the securing tab using your hand. Pull the plastic cover off of the trunk wall.
Pull the taillight housing off of the frame. Locate the burned-out taillight and pull it from the taillight housing.
Insert the new taillight bulb into the taillight housing. Replace the housing to the frame. Replace the plastic cover to the trunk wall. Replace the securing tab to the cover and tighten the tab to secure the cover to the frame.